Outdoors Easter

Outdoors is the best way to spend Easter...

Why bother spending this Easter inside? Sure there might be the usual discouragements, but we've got a few ideas to get you and your family outdoors...

1. Bike

Instead of putting on another DVD, head down to your local park for a bike ride. If you're not too far away, maybe head to a forest park and put that ample suspension to good use.

2. Walk

Walking is great for clearing your head, and you don't need us to tell you how good it is for your body too... Take the opportunity to walk to the shops, or plan a day out to a loooong beach.

3. Surf

Not the internet variety. Take a look at a map and find your nearest break - chances are there's a surf school nearby. Our local surf spot in Portrush has the Troggs Surf School on hand to help.

4. Camp

If you have a couple of days spare, you should definitely consider packing up a tent and hitting the wilderness. Or a campsite might do. Nothing beats a night-time camp fire.

5. Record

This might seem like an odd choice, but think of all the times you've enjoyed being outside but have forgotten to preserve it? Why not head out with a camera and start taking photos of the things you love. Your kids will thank you for it one day!


Target Dry sells a range of waterproof clothing for the outdoors, and specializes in Mac in a Sac Lightweight, Packaway Jackets.